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Hi guys! We moved to: www.elkepon.com see you there!

Interesting | Views: 399 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2016-06-04 | Comments (0)

It either hurts or feels like nothing. You don't know what to do, or what's wrong, and your partner is handling it really poorly. Here's some information and advice to the rescue.

Health | Views: 598 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2014-01-24 | Comments (0)

Does a trip to the dentist sounds like more fun than a tumble between the sheets? We feel sorry for you, but you’re not alone. Here are the top reasons why women may be turned off by sex and ways to fix your sex life:

Health | Views: 588 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2014-01-24 | Comments (0)


A headache, medically known as cephalalgia, is a continuous pain in the head. The pain can be anywhere in the head or neck. As the brain has no pain receptors, headaches are not felt in the brain. The pain is caused by disturbances of the pain-sensitive structures around the brain.

Health | Views: 817 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2013-12-29 | Comments (0)

Neuroscientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have designed a new computational model that they claim explains how the brain can learn very similar tasks without mixing them up, while maintaining the balance between plasticity and stability.

The brain is made up of billions of neurons, all of which connect to others. According to the researchers, on average each neuron connects to about 10,000 others.

The researchers, who write in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, say this connectivity is key. 

Health | Views: 530 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2013-12-29 | Comments (0)

Myelinated fibers in mouse cerebral cortex

It goes without saying that we all need a good night's sleep to feel re-energized for the day ahead. But now, researchers have found that sleep also helps to boost reproduction of the cells involved in brain repair.

Health | Views: 554 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2013-12-29 | Comments (0)

Fatigue, also referred to as tiredness, exhaustion, lethargy,
and listlessness, describes a physical and/or mental state of being tired and weak. Although physical and mental fatigue are different, the two often exist together - if a person is physically exhausted for long enough, they will also be mentally tired. When somebody experiences physical fatigue, it means they cannot continue functioning at their normal levels of physical ability. Mental fatigue, however, is more slanted towards feeling sleepy and being unable to concentrate properly.

Health | Views: 669 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2013-12-29 | Comments (0)

Here's what you need to know about protein supplements.

Most popular protein supplements are no more than milk with the nutrition extracted leaving the whey which is then sold for several times the amount you would pay for dehydrated milk. The result is you get less nutrition and spend more money. How does that make sense?

Health | Views: 686 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2013-12-29 | Comments (0)

It's called an extroverted personality. It's a person who is ...
Self improvement | Views: 734 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2013-12-21 | Comments (0)

Ugh, it's a word I get tired of hearing from my clients in my private practice. (Actually, not really, I love helping my clients!) But if food is our energy source--and we eat so much of it--why are so many Americans facing fatigue and tiredness?


Well, what makes up the typical American diet? Processed foods! Foods that come in boxes and bags with fancy marketing labels are not foods that were just plucked from a field. Nature knows best! Raw fruits and vegetables have lots of important energy vitamins like the B vitamins, Vitamin C and folic acid. Unfortunately, any kind of cooking destroys a good percentage of these vitamins. It's important to make at least some of your fruit and veggie intake raw.

Health | Views: 467 | Added by: ElKePoN | Date: 2013-12-08 | Comments (0)